Monday, March 23, 2020

How Sargent’s 6300 Large Format Interchangeable Core Works

Sargent 6300 Large Format Interchangeable Core History

Sargent began producing their proprietary large format interchangeable core, the 6300, in the late 70s. It isn’t Sargent’s only core, they’ve actually manufactured 4 different core designs. It is, however, is the newest design they’ve manufactured so you’ll sometimes see/hear it referred to as a Sargent “new style” core. A predecessor to the 6300 was Sargent’s removable core, which is referred to as the “old style”. Sargent still does sell “old style” removable cores.


Sargent 6300 Large Format Interchangeable Core Function

Sargent 6300s utilize a control lug found in the 3rd and 4th chambers of the core. Control keys will contain the same cuts as either the operating/change key OR top master key in all positions except the 3rd and 4th. The coded difference between the operating and control shearline is .160” or 8 increments. This means that certain control bittings used in conjunction with certain operating/change key OR top master key bittings can result in key interchange. In other words, operating/change OR top master keys functioning as control keys or vice-versa. Sargent avoids this risk with factory systems by not using depths 1 and 2 for control key bittings and depths 9 and 10 for operating/change OR top master key bittings in the 3rd and 4th positions. 

Sargent 6300 Large Format Interchangeable Core Servicing

The Sargent 6300 utilizes the Sargent .020” key bitting specification that has depths 1-10 (shallowest to deepest), sometimes labeled 1-0. It is available only in 6 pin versions. On some cores the keyway and direct bitting are stamped on some of the capping strips from the factory. 

All Sargent 6300 cores manufactured after January 1, 2009 should utilize “hollow drivers” in control chambers. These Hollow drivers have a portion of the driver/top pin “hollowed out” to accommodate special hollow driver springs. This re-design was to correct potential operational problems. Because control chambers have a uniform stack height that is 5 increments larger than non-control chambers, the 3rd and 4th chambers will be .100″ (5 x .020″) larger than non-control chambers. By removing a portion of the driver, the risk of premature spring wear in control-chambers is drastically reduced.

Additional Literature


The post How Sargent’s 6300 Large Format Interchangeable Core Works appeared first on Locksmith Reference.

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